Due to the COVID-19 situation, physical meeting has been cancelled. APDCM2020 will not have an online event, but presentation slides of each paper will be available here by May 18.
Parallel Computing Models
(Best Paper) Design and Comparison of Resilient Scheduling Heuristics for Parallel Jobs, Anne Benoit, Valentin Le Fèvre, Padma Raghavan, Yves Robert and Hongyang Sun (slides)
(Outstanding Paper) Revisiting dynamic DAG scheduling under memory constraints for shared-memory platforms, Gabriel Bathie, Loris Marchal, Yves Robert and Samuel Thibault (slides)
An Efficient Multicore CPU Implementation for Convolution-Pooling Computation in CNNs, Hiroki Kataoka, Kohei Yamashita, Yasuaki Ito, Koji Nakano, Akihiko Kasagi and Tsuguchika Tabaru (slides)
A Work-Time Optimal Parallel Exhaustive Search Algorithm for the QUBO and the Ising model, with GPU implementation, Masaki Tao, Koji Nakano, Yasuaki Ito and Ryota Yasudo (slides)
Optimizing Memory Access in TCF Processors with Compute-Update Operations, Martti Forsell, Jussi Roivainen and Jesper Larsson Träff (slides)
An Initial Assessment of NVSHMEM for High Performance Computing, Chung-Hsing Hsu, Neena Imam, Akhil Langer, Sreeram Potluri and Cj Newburn (slides)
Methods and Practices for Developing Abstractions for Data-intensive, Scientific Applications, Andre Luckow and Shantenu Jha (slides)
Distributed Computing Models
Debugging strongly-compartmentalized distributed systems, Henry Zhu, Nik Sultana and Boon Loo (slides)
TOSS: A Topology-based Scheduler for Storm Clusters Yi Zhou, Yangyang Liu, Chaowei Zhang, Xiaopu Peng and Xiao Qin (slides)
Optimal Randomized Complete Visibility on a Grid for Asynchronous Robots with Lights, Gokarna Sharma, Ramachandran Vaidyanathan and Jerry L. Trahan (slides)
A Model Checking Method for Secure Routing Protocols by SPIN with State Space Reduction, Hideharu Kojima and Naoto Yanai (slides)