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Program (tentative)

Each presentation will be of 25 minutes duration, which include 5-minute question and discussion time.

Keynote (8:45-9:35)

  • Chair: Koji Nakano
  • Speaker: Jie Wu (Temple University)
  • Title: Algorithmic Crowdsourcing

Session 1: Graph Algorithms (9:35-10:00)

  • Chair: Koji Nakano
  • Jie Wu, Stable Matching Beyond Bipartite Graphs

Break (10:00-10:30)

Session 2: Wireless Networks and Distributed Computing (10:30-12:10)

  • Chair: Koji Nakano
  • Paula Aguilera, Dong Ping Zhang, Nam Sung Kim, Nuwan Jayasena, Fine-Grained Task Migration for Graph Algorithms using Processing in Memory
  • Wei Chen, Liang Hong, Sachin Shetty, Dan Lo, Reginald Cooper, Cross-layered Security Approach with Compromised Nodes Detection in Cooperative Sensor Networks
  • Hideharu Kojima, Yuta Nagashima, Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Model checking techniques for state space reduction in MANET protocol verification
  • Feng Luo, Pradip K Srimani, New Biology Inspired Anonymous Distributed Algorithms to compute Dominating and Total Dominating Sets in Network Graphs

Lunch (12:10-13:20)

Session 3: Distributed Computing and Models (13:20-15:00)

  • Chair: James A. Edwards
  • Ta-Yuan Hsu, Ajay Kshemkalyani, Performance of Causal Consistency Algorithms for Partially Replicated Systems
  • Hassan Nawaz, Gideon Juve, Rafael Ferreira da Silva, Ewa Deelman, Performance Analysis of an I/O-Intensive Workflow executing on Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services
  • Travis Humble, Alexander McCaskey, Jonathon Schrock, Keith Britt, Hadayat Seddiqi and Neena Imam, Performance Models for Split-execution Computing Systems
  • Ernesto Gomez, Keith E. Schubert and Ritchie Cai, A model for Entropy of Parallel Execution

Break (15:00-15:30)

Session 4: Parallel Computing (15:30-17:35)

  • Chair: Ernesto Gomez
  • James A. Edwards, Uzi Vishkin, FFT on XMT: Case Study of a Bandwidth-Intensive Regular Algorithm on a Highly-Parallel Many Core
  • Makoto Nakayama, Kenichi Yamazaki, Satoshi Tanaka, Parallelization of Recursive Preorder Traversal Based on Building and Winding Call Stacks
  • P. B. Jayaraj, K. Rahamathulla, G. Gopakumar, A GPU based maximum common subgraph algorithm for drug discovery applications
  • Toru Fujita, Koji Nakano and Yasuaki Ito, Bitwise Parallel Bulk Computation on the GPU, with Application to the CKY Parsing for Context-free Grammars
  • Xin Zhou, Yasuaki Ito and Koji Nakano, An Efficient Implementation of LZW Decompression in the FPGA
program2016.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/24 00:23 by nakano