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APDCM 2012 Program

May 21st, Monday, 2012

Regal Shanghai East Asia Hotel Shanghai, China

Session 1: 8:45-10:00, Programming Models
  • Chair: Marcos Caetano
  • Jens Breitbart, Dataflow-like synchronization in a PGAS programming model
  • Martti Forsell and Mikko Hiivala, Multi-core Portability Abstraction
  • Martti Forsell and Ville Leppanen, An Extended PRAM-NUMA Model of Computation for TCF Programming
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
Session 2: Parallel Architectures and GPUs, 10:30-12:10
  • Chair: Martti Forsell
  • Koji Nakano, Simple Memory Machine Models for GPUs
  • Amlan Chatterjee and Sridhar Radhakrishnan and Antonio John, Counting Problems on Graphs: GPU Storage and Parallel Computing Techniques
  • Ramachandran Vaidyanathan and Phaneendra Vinukonda, On Running Windowed Image Computations on a Pipeline
  • Shigeyuki Takano, Very Large-Scale Integrated Processor
12:10-13:20 Lunch
Session 3:Wireless Networks, 13:20-15:00
  • Chair: Koji Nakano
  • Keqin Li, Optimal Number of Annuli for Maximizing the Lifetime of Sensor Networks
  • Thamer Alsulaiman, Sushil Prasad and Alexander Zelikovsky, Distributed Algorithms for TDMA Link Scheduling in Sensor Networks
  • Thiago Neves and Marcos Caetano and Jacir Bordim, An Energy-Optimum and Communication-Time Efficient Protocol for Allocation, Scheduling and Routing in Wireless Networks
  • Felipe Modesto and Marcos Caetano and Jacir Bordim, An Opportunistic MAC Protocol based on Statistical Spectrum Analysis
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
Session 4: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, 15:30-17:35
  • Chair: Keqin Li
  • Joel Antonio Trejo-Sa'nchez and Jose' Alberto Ferna'ndez-Zepeda, A Self-stabilizing Algorithm for the Maximal 2-packing in a Cactus Graph
  • Yusuke Hosaka and Shuji Kijima and Masafumi Ymashita and Yukiko Yamauchi and Hirotaka Ono, An Extension of Matthews' Bound to Multiplex Random Walks
  • Marin Bougeret and Pierre-Francois Dutot and Klaus Jansen and Christina Robenek and Denis Trystram, Tight approximation for scheduling parallel jobs on identical clusters
  • Yang Wang and Xiaojun Cao and Adrian Caciula and Qian Hu, On-line Batch Scheduling in Distributed Optical Networks
  • Marko Obrovac and Cedric Tedeschi, On the Feasibility of a Distributed Runtime for the Chemical Programming Model

Each presentation will be of 25 minutes duration, which includes 5-minute question and discussion time.

program2012.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/15 09:22 by nakano