Accepted Papers
- Final Manuscript due: March 13
- Registration due: March 31
- Author Resources: Kindly refer to the IPDPS AUTHORS (Workshops) section on IPDPS Author Resource Page.
- When submitting the final manuscript to the above submission site, please utilize the Paper-ID: “APDCM-??” mentioned below.
- For registration, please visit IPDPS Registration Page. Note that at least one author of each paper must be registered for the symposium.
Paper ID | Title | Regular/Short |
APDCM-01 | Parallel Processing for Distributed Machine Learning: Taxonomy of Techniques and Cloud Deployment Implications | REGULAR |
APDCM-02 | Extending Microservices Performance Optimization Through Horizontal Pod Autoscaling: A Comprehensive Study | REGULAR |
APDCM-03 | Enhancing Productivity and Performance of HClib-Actor with Efficient Task Termination | SHORT |
APDCM-04 | RL-assisted Annealing for QUBO on a Multi-GPU System | REGULAR |
APDCM-05 | Performance Modeling of Non-Uniform Heterogeneous Platforms | REGULAR |
APDCM-06 | Pairbot: Enhancing Computational Capabilities by Pairing of Autonomous Mobile Robots | REGULAR |
APDCM-07 | QUBO++: A C++ Library for Developing and Solving QUBO Problems | REGULAR |
APDCM-08 | Towards a Fast and Generalizable Neural Inference Scheme for Tabular Data | REGULAR |
APDCM-09 | Efficient Intra-node Hierarchical Parallelisms And Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies On Heterogeneous Systems | REGULAR |
APDCM-10 | Dynatune: Dynamic Optimization of Raft Election Parameters Using Network Measurement | REGULAR |
APDCM-11 | CUBO-to-QUBO Conversion: Reducing Cubic Formulations to Quadratic Formulations | REGULAR |
accepted2025.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/01 10:41 by nakano