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Accepted Papers

  • Final Manuscript due: March 7
  • Registration due: March 31
  • Author Resources: Kindly refer to the IPDPSW AUTHORS (Workshops) section on IPDPS Author Resource Page.
  • When submitting the final manuscript to the above submission site, please utilize the Paper-ID: “APDCM-??” mentioned below.
  • For registration, please visit IPDPS Registration Page. Note that at least one author of each paper must be registered for the symposium.
Paper ID Title Regular/Short
APDCM-01 A Scalable Secure Fault Tolerant Aggregation for P2P Federated Learning REGULAR
APDCM-02 Application of Network Calculus Models to Heterogeneous Streaming Applications SHORT
APDCM-03 Data-Driven Locality-Aware Batch Scheduling REGULAR
APDCM-04 Accelerating BFT Database with Transaction Reconstruction REGULAR
APDCM-05 Combining lossy compression with multi-level caching for data staging over network REGULAR
APDCM-06 Optimizing Aria Concurrency Control Protocol with Early Dependency Resolution REGULAR
APDCM-07 Shared-Memory Parallel Algorithms for Community Detection in Dynamic Graphs REGULAR
APDCM-08 A probabilistic model for asynchronous iterative methods REGULAR
APDCM-09 The Logarithmic Random Bidding for the Parallel Roulette Wheel Selection with Precise Probabilities SHORT
APDCM-10 Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry for Computer Scientists REGULAR
accepted2024.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/27 13:39 by nakano